Retrieves references metadata from Zotero local database (SQLite).

get_zotero_data(path = "~/zotero")



a character of length 1. The folder containing the Zotero database named zotero.sqlite.


A data.frame with references in row and the following variables:

  • item_id: the identifier of the publication in the Zotero database;

  • library_type: the type of the library. Can be user (My library) or group (Group libraries);

  • group: the name of the group library;

  • collection: the name of the library collection;

  • category: the category of the publication (article, book, book_section, report, etc.);

  • year: the year of the publication;

  • title: the title of the publication;

  • author: the authors of the publication;

  • journal: the journal of the publication (only for article);

  • book_title: the title of the book (only for book_section);

  • editor: the editors of the book (only for book and book_section);

  • abstract: the abstract of the publication;

  • volume: the volume of the publication (only for article);

  • issue: the issue of the publication (only for article);

  • pages: the pages of the publication;

  • publisher: the publisher name;

  • place: the location of the publisher;

  • institution: the institution name;

  • doi: the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) of the publication;

  • url: the URL of the publication;

  • note: the annotations associated to the publication (only the PUBID is retrieved).


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
references <- zoteror::get_zotero_data()
} # }