Research Compendium of the FRB-CESAB research group Agri-TE.

This repository contains different functions to retrieve the DOI, metadata and full text of a raw reference citation using the Web of Science Lite API (and the R package rwoslite) and the CrossRef API (and the R package rcrossref).


This repository is structured as follow:

  • data/: contains all raw data required to perform analyses

  • analyses/: contains R scripts to run each step of the workflow

  • outputs/: contains all the results created during the workflow

  • R/: contains R functions developed especially for this project

  • man/: contains help files of R functions

  • DESCRIPTION: contains project metadata (author, date, dependencies, etc.)

  • make.R: main R script to run the entire project by calling each R script stored in the analyses/ folder


Clone the repository, open RStudio, create a new project inside this folder and open the make.R.

How to cite

Please cite this compendium as:

Casajus N. & Bellouin D. (2023) agrite: A Toolbox to Retrieve DOI, Metadata, and Full Text from a Raw Citation.


  • All required packages, listed in the DESCRIPTION file, will be installed (if necessary)
  • All required packages and R functions will be loaded
  • Some analyses listed in the make.R might take time