The title must follow the year. This function detects different forms of years (e.g. 2021 , 2021., (2021)) and handles deduplicated years (e.g. 2021a, 2021b, etc.).

The title must end with a dot. If the title contains internal dots, only the part of the title left to the first dot will be returned.




a character of length 1. A citation written as "Authors Year Title. Journal..."


A character of length 1 with the extracted title. If the title cannot be detected, an empty string is returned.


ref <- paste0("Quainoo, A.K., Wetten, A.C., Allainguillaume, J., 2008. The ",
              "effectiveness of somatic embryogenesis in eliminating the ", 
              "cocoa swollen shoot virus from infected co- coa trees. ", 
              "J. Virol. Methods 149, 91e96.")
#> [1] "Quainoo, A.K., Wetten, A.C., Allainguillaume, J., 2008. The effectiveness of somatic embryogenesis in eliminating the cocoa swollen shoot virus from infected co- coa trees. J. Virol. Methods 149, 91e96."

#> [1] " The effectiveness of somatic embryogenesis in eliminating the cocoa swollen shoot virus from infected co- coa trees"