GitHub SSH keys

To communicate with GitHub, you can use the protocol HTTPS (default) or the protocol SSH (recommended). The protocol SSH is a more secure method of logging into a remote server (GitHub). To use this protocol, you need to generate an SSH keys pair that consists in creating two long strings of characters: a public key and a private key. You can place the public key on any server (for instance GitHub), and then connect to the server using a device (your laptop) that has access to the private key.

To generate a new SSH keys pair proceed as follow:

  1. Create an account on GitHub at
  2. Open RStudio and click on: Tools > Global options > Git/SVN
  3. Click on Create SSH Key, select ED25519 and then click on Create (you can omit the passphrase). This new SSH keys pair has been stored in ~/.ssh/.
  4. Click on View public key and copy it
  5. Go to the page and click on New SSH key
  6. Choose a name for your key (e.g. your laptop name) and paste your public key.
  7. Finally click on Add SSH key
For Ubuntu users

If you are on Ubuntu you might need to install ssh-askpass:

sudo apt install ssh-askpass

Let’s test the SSH connection with GitHub. Open a terminal and run:

ssh -T

When you first connect to GitHub (and to any remote server), you will be asked if you trust this server:

The authenticity of host '[]:22' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is ...
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?

Just write yes and press Enter. This will add a line in the file ~/.ssh/known_hosts that lists all your trusted servers.

Congrats! You can now communicate with GitHub using the SSH protocol.

Important note

From now, you need to use the SSH URL when connecting to a GitHub repo.

# SSH URL (use this one) ----

# HTTPS URL ----

N.B. If you lose your private SSH key you won’t be able to establish a connection with GitHub. You’ll need to delete your SSH key on GitHub and to create a new one.