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This function imports a list of count series data previously exported by format_data(). Users can import one, several, or all count series data.


read_series(series = NULL, path = ".")



a vector of character strings. One or several count series names to be imported. If NULL (default), all available count series will be imported.


a character string. The directory in which count series have been saved by the function format_data().


An n-element list (where n is the number of count series). See format_data() for further information.


## Load Garamba raw dataset ----
file_path <- system.file("extdata", "garamba_survey.csv", 
                         package = "popbayes")
garamba <- read.csv(file = file_path)

## Create temporary folder ----
temp_path <- tempdir()

## Format dataset ----
garamba_formatted <- popbayes::format_data(
  data              = garamba, 
  path              = temp_path,
  field_method      = "field_method",
  pref_field_method = "pref_field_method",
  conversion_A2G    = "conversion_A2G",
  rmax              = "rmax")
#>  Detecting 10 count series.

## Import all count series ----
count_series <- popbayes::read_series(path = temp_path)

## Import one count series ----
a_bus <- popbayes::read_series(series = "garamba__alcelaphus_buselaphus",
                               path   = temp_path)