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This dataset contains information about 15 African mammal species. It can be used in the function format_data() to convert individual counts estimated from a field method to a preferred field method. The field method can be A (aerial counts) or G (ground counts). See format_data() for further information. It also contains the maximum population growth rate (i.e. the maximum change in log population size).

User can take this dataset as a template to add information for missing species. Note that only species, pref_field_method, conversion_A2G, and rmax are required.




A data.frame with 15 rows (African mammals species) and the following variables:


the order of the species


the family of the species


the species binomial name


the species English name


the species French name


the detectability category of the species. One of MLB for Medium-sized Light and Brown species (20-150kg), LLB for Large Light and Brown species (>150kg), LD for Large Dark (>150kg), Elephant, and Giraffe


the preferred field method of the species. One of A for Aerial counts, and G for Ground counts


the conversion multiplicative factor (corresponding to the detectability category) used to convert aerial to ground counts


the maximum population growth rate


#>           order       family                species             english
#> 1  Artiodactyla      Bovidae     Aepyceros melampus              Impala
#> 2  Artiodactyla      Bovidae  Alcelaphus buselaphus          Hartebeest
#> 3  Artiodactyla      Bovidae  Connochaetes taurinus     Blue wildebeest
#> 4  Artiodactyla      Bovidae     Damaliscus lunatus               Tiang
#> 5  Artiodactyla      Bovidae     Eudorcas rufifrons Red-fronted gazelle
#> 6  Artiodactyla   Giraffidae Giraffa camelopardalis             Giraffe
#> 7  Artiodactyla      Bovidae    Hippotragus equinus       Roan Antelope
#> 8  Artiodactyla      Bovidae   Kobus ellipsiprymnus           Waterbuck
#> 9  Artiodactyla      Bovidae              Kobus kob                 Kob
#> 10  Proboscidea Elephantidae     Loxodonta africana    Savanna Elephant
#> 11 Artiodactyla      Bovidae         Ourebia ourebi               Oribi
#> 12 Artiodactyla      Bovidae        Redunca redunca      Bohor reedbuck
#> 13 Artiodactyla      Bovidae        Syncerus caffer     African Buffalo
#> 14 Artiodactyla      Bovidae  Tragelaphus derbianus         Giant eland
#> 15 Artiodactyla      Bovidae   Tragelaphus scriptus            Bushbuck
#>              french category pref_field_method conversion_A2G   rmax
#> 1            Impala      MLB                 G          6.747 0.4010
#> 2            Bubale      LLB                 G          2.302 0.2748
#> 3         Gnou bleu      LLB                 G          2.302 0.2679
#> 4              Topi      MLB                 G          6.747 0.2990
#> 5  Gazelle Rufifron      MLB                 G          6.747 0.5270
#> 6            Girafe  Giraffe                 A          3.011 0.1750
#> 7       Hippotrague      LLB                 G          2.302 0.2420
#> 8      Cobe Defassa      MLB                 G          6.747 0.2702
#> 9    Cobe de Buffon      MLB                 G          6.747 0.3802
#> 10         Elephant Elephant                 A          0.659 0.1120
#> 11           Ourebi      MLB                 G          6.747 0.5988
#> 12          Redunca      MLB                 G          6.747 0.4010
#> 13           Buffle       LD                 A          0.561 0.2080
#> 14   Eland de derby      LLB                 G          2.302 0.1500
#> 15    Guib Harnache      MLB                 G          6.747 0.4487