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This function returns the community-weighted mean of provided trait values. It only works with quantitative traits and will warn you otherwise. It will remove species that either have NA values in the site_species input or NA values as their trait.


fb_cwm(site_species, species_traits)



a data.frame with sites in rows and species in columns. NOTE: the first column should be named "site" and indicate site names. The other columns should be named according to species names.


a data.frame with species in rows and traits as columns. NOTE: The first column should be named "species" and contain species names. The other columns should be named according to trait names.


A data.frame with sites in rows and the following variables:

  • site, the site label,

  • trait, the trait label as provided in species_traits,

  • and cwm, the community-weighted means of quantitative traits values.


site_cwm <- fb_cwm(head(woodiv_site_species), woodiv_traits)
#> Some species had NA trait values, removing them from CWM computation
#>       site        trait      cwm
#> 1 37452365 plant_height 28.26817
#> 2 40852325 plant_height 20.05912
#> 3 40852345 plant_height 19.42354
#> 4 41152315 plant_height 19.11680
#> 5 41152325 plant_height 17.25338
#> 6 42552105 plant_height 22.16911