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funbiogeo provides an easy way to upscale your site data to a coarser resolution. The idea is that you have any type of data at the site level (diversity metrics, environmental data, as well as site-species data) that you would like to work or visualize at a coarser scale. The aggregation process can look daunting at first and be quite difficult to run. We explain in details, throughout this vignette, how to do so with the fb_aggregate_site_data() function. We’ll detail three use cases:

  1. the first through aggregating arbitrary
  2. site-level data, the second focused on aggregating the site x species object,
  3. and the last aggregating functional diversity indices.

Aggregating arbitrary site-data

#> Linking to GEOS 3.12.1, GDAL 3.8.4, PROJ 9.4.0; sf_use_s2() is TRUE

Let’s import our site by locations object, which describes the geographical locations of sites.


#> Simple feature collection with 5366 features and 2 fields
#> Geometry type: POLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: 2630000 ymin: 1380000 xmax: 5040000 ymax: 2550000
#> Projected CRS: ETRS89-extended / LAEA Europe
#> First 10 features:
#>        site  country                       geometry
#> 1  26351755 Portugal POLYGON ((2630000 1750000, ...
#> 2  26351765 Portugal POLYGON ((2630000 1760000, ...
#> 4  26351955 Portugal POLYGON ((2630000 1950000, ...
#> 5  26351965 Portugal POLYGON ((2630000 1960000, ...
#> 6  26451755 Portugal POLYGON ((2640000 1750000, ...
#> 7  26451765 Portugal POLYGON ((2640000 1760000, ...
#> 8  26451775 Portugal POLYGON ((2640000 1770000, ...
#> 10 26451955 Portugal POLYGON ((2640000 1950000, ...
#> 11 26451965 Portugal POLYGON ((2640000 1960000, ...
#> 12 26451975 Portugal POLYGON ((2640000 1970000, ...

These sites are a collection of regular spatial polygons at a resolution of 10 km x 10 km over South Western Europe. Our site by locations object is an sf object, which means it’s a spatial object coupled with a data.frame.

For each site, we want to compute the species richness. We can do so by counting the species at each site with the function fb_count_species_by_site().

# Import site x species data

# Compute species richness
species_richness <- fb_count_species_by_site(woodiv_site_species)

#>       site n_species  coverage
#> 1 40552295        12 0.5000000
#> 2 39252405        12 0.5000000
#> 3 37752305        12 0.5000000
#> 4 39852255        12 0.5000000
#> 5 39152415        12 0.5000000
#> 6 39552415        11 0.4583333

Unfortunately, the fb_count_species_by_site() doesn’t output a spatial object but a data.frame with three columns: the identifier of the site, the number of species, and the proportion of species present at a given site. Before going any further let’s put species richness on the map with the function fb_map_site_data(). That function allows us to represent any arbitrary data at the site level by combining it with the site by locations object, and it shows a map of that data.

fb_map_site_data(woodiv_locations, species_richness, "n_species")

We would now like to aggregate our sites at a coarser scale, because 10km by 10km is a too small resolution. Now, let’s say that our next analyses require to work at a coarser resolution We need to aggregate site data on a new spatial grid (object SpatRaster from the terra package). First of all, we can create a coarser grid based on our locations object.

# Import study area grid
coarser_grid <- system.file("extdata", "grid_area.tif", package = "funbiogeo")
coarser_grid <- terra::rast(coarser_grid)

#> class       : SpatRaster 
#> dimensions  : 29, 41, 1  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#> resolution  : 0.8333333, 0.8333333  (x, y)
#> extent      : -10.5, 23.66667, 35.83333, 60  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) 
#> source      : grid_area.tif 
#> name        : value 
#> min value   :     1 
#> max value   :     1

We will aggregate the site data (resolution of 10 km by 10 km) to this new coarser raster (resolution of 0.83°, close to 92 km by 92km) with the function fb_aggregate_site_data(). This function requires the following arguments:

  • site_locations: the site x locations object
  • site_data: a matrix or data.frame containing values per sites to aggregate on the provided grid agg_grid. Can have one or several columns (variables to aggregate). The first column must contain sites names as provided in the object species_richness
  • agg_grid: a SpatRaster object (package terra). A raster of one single layer, that defines the grid along which to aggregate
  • fun: the function used to aggregate sites values when there are multiple sites in one cell (do we want to get the minimum value? the maximum? the sum? or the mean?)

Let’s compute our average species richness values across our grid.

# Upscale to grid ----
upscaled_richness <- fb_aggregate_site_data(
  site_locations = woodiv_locations[ , 1, drop = FALSE],
  site_data      = species_richness[ , 1:2],
  agg_grid       = coarser_grid,
  fun            = mean

#> class       : SpatRaster 
#> dimensions  : 29, 41, 1  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#> resolution  : 0.8333333, 0.8333333  (x, y)
#> extent      : -10.5, 23.66667, 35.83333, 60  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) 
#> source(s)   : memory
#> varname     : grid_area 
#> name        : n_species 
#> min value   :         1 
#> max value   :        10

We get a SpatRaster object that is of the same resolution of our provided agg_grid raster grid. The cells of this raster contain the averaged values of species richness of our sites aggregated on the coarser grid. We can plot these values through a call to fb_map_raster() which allows to plot rasters.


Aggregating site-species data to a coarser spatial scale

Through the fb_aggregate_site_data() function we can also coarsen our site-species grid by selecting the appropriate function as the fun argument, we detail how in this section.

Now that we’ve learned how to aggregate arbitrary data at the site scale over a spatial scale. We’re going to use our provided example named site_species at a resolution of 10 x 10 km to get new sites from a grid with pixels of 0.83° of resolution.

As shown in the previous section, we’ll need three objects: site_species, which describes the species present across sites; site_locations, which gives the spatial locations of sites; and agg_grid which is a SpatRaster object defining the coarser grid.

We’ll use the previously defined object to run our example. To aggregate the presence-absence of species within each pixel of the new grid, we’ll use the max() function (as the fun argument). As such, coarser pixels which contains a mix of presence and absence of certain species, we’ll be considered as having the species present. Only when the species is absent from all of the finer scale sites will the coarser pixel show the species as absent.

site_species_agg <- fb_aggregate_site_data(
  woodiv_locations[ , 1, drop = FALSE],
  agg_grid = coarser_grid,
  fun = max

The return object is a SpatRaster as well but can be transformed easily in a data.frame to follow back with the regular analyses provided in funbiogeo. The new object contains one layer for each aggregated variable, i.e. here, one per species.

#> class       : SpatRaster 
#> dimensions  : 29, 41, 24  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#> resolution  : 0.8333333, 0.8333333  (x, y)
#> extent      : -10.5, 23.66667, 35.83333, 60  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) 
#> source(s)   : memory
#> varnames    : grid_area 
#>               grid_area 
#>               grid_area 
#>               ...
#> names       : AALB, ACEP, APIN, CLIB, CSEM, JCOM, ... 
#> min values  :    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, ... 
#> max values  :    1,    1,    1,    0,    1,    1, ...

We can visualize both maps for a single species to see the difference in resolution :


single_species <- merge(
  woodiv_locations, woodiv_site_species[, 1:2], by = "site", all = TRUE

finer_map <- ggplot(single_species) +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = as.factor(AALB))) +
  labs(fill = "Presence of AALB", title = "Original resolution (10 x 10 km)")

coarser_map <- fb_map_raster(site_species_agg[[1]]) +
  scale_fill_binned(breaks = c(0, 0.5, 1)) +
  labs(title = "Coarser resolution (0.83°)")

patchwork::wrap_plots(finer_map, coarser_map, nrow = 1)

Obtaining back a site x species data.frame

Now we obtained a raster of aggregated site-species presences. However, the other functions of funbiogeo don’t play well with raster data. They need data.frames to work well. We can do this through the specific function in terra (make sure to check the dedicated help page that specifies all the additional arguments with ?

# Use the 'cells = TRUE' argument to index results with a new cell column
# corresponding to the ID of the coarser grid pixels
site_species_agg_df <-, cells = TRUE)

site_species_agg_df[1:4, 1:4]
#>     cell AALB ACEP APIN
#> 755  755    0    0    0
#> 757  757    0    0    1
#> 758  758    1    0    0
#> 759  759    1    0    0

colnames(site_species_agg_df)[1] <- "site"

With this, we’re ready to reuse all of funbiogeo functions to work on these coarser data. You can proceed similarly to aggregate the ancillary site-related data, to use them in the rest of the analyses.

Aggregating functional diversity data

Because funbiogeo focuses on the functional biogeography workflow, we’ll explore in this section how to aggregate the results for a functional biogeography function. First, we’ll detail an example aggregating the community-weighted mean (CWM) of plant height, that is the abundance-weighted trait average of the assemblage. Second, we’ll show an example of coarsing functional diversity metrics computed through the fundiversity package.

Coarsen CWM of plant height

To compute the CWM we’ll use the function fb_cwm().

site_cwm <- fb_cwm(woodiv_site_species, woodiv_traits[, 1:2])

#>       site        trait      cwm
#> 1 26351755 plant_height 12.31767
#> 2 26351765 plant_height  4.88150
#> 3 26351955 plant_height 12.31767
#> 4 26351965 plant_height 13.77575
#> 5 26451755 plant_height  4.88150
#> 6 26451765 plant_height 15.76845

Now we can aggregate the CWM of plant hieght at coarser scale using fb_aggregate_site_data() as done in the previous sections, this time using the default fun argument as we want to compute the average CWM:

colnames(site_cwm)[3] <- "plant_height"

upscaled_cwm <- fb_aggregate_site_data(
  woodiv_locations[ , 1, drop = FALSE],
  site_cwm[, c(1, 3)],

#> class       : SpatRaster 
#> dimensions  : 29, 41, 1  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#> resolution  : 0.8333333, 0.8333333  (x, y)
#> extent      : -10.5, 23.66667, 35.83333, 60  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) 
#> source(s)   : memory
#> varname     : grid_area 
#> name        : plant_height 
#> min value   :      4.88150 
#> max value   :     42.14307

We can then map the CWM using the fb_map_raster() function:

fb_map_raster(upscaled_cwm) +
  scale_fill_continuous(trans = "log10")

Coarser FRic through fundiversity

In a similar fashion as in the introduction vignette to funbiogeo in this section we’ll compute the Functional Richness using two traits across our example dataset.

# Get all species for which we have both adult body mass and litter size
subset_traits <- woodiv_traits[
  , c("species", "plant_height", "seed_mass")
subset_traits <- subset(
  subset_traits, ! & !

# Transform trait data
subset_traits[["plant_height"]] <- as.numeric(

subset_traits[["seed_mass"]] <- as.numeric(

# Filter site for which we have trait information for than 80% of species
subset_site <- fb_filter_sites_by_trait_coverage(
  woodiv_site_species, subset_traits, 0.8

subset_site <- subset_site[, c("site", subset_traits$species)]

# Remove first column and convert in rownames
rownames(subset_traits) <- subset_traits[["species"]]
subset_traits <- subset_traits[, -1]

rownames(subset_site) <- subset_site[["site"]]
subset_site <- subset_site[, -1]

# Compute FRic
site_fric <- fundiversity::fd_fric(
  subset_traits, subset_site
#> Warning in fundiversity::fd_fric(subset_traits, subset_site): Some sites had
#> less species than traits so returned FRic is 'NA'

#>       site      FRic
#> 1 41152325 1.0964687
#> 2 40852325 1.1380385
#> 3 40852345 1.1523280
#> 4 42552105 0.8201878
#> 5 41152315 1.1380385
#> 6 37452365        NA

We can now follow a similar upscaling process as in the previous sections to compute the average functional richness at a coarser spatial scale:

agg_fric <- fb_aggregate_site_data(
  woodiv_locations[ , 1, drop = FALSE], 

#> Warning: Raster pixels are placed at uneven horizontal intervals and will be shifted
#>  Consider using `geom_tile()` instead.