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The aim of the funbiogeo package is to help users streamline the workflows in functional biogeography (Violle et al. 2014). It helps filter sites, species, and traits based on their trait coverages. It also provide default diagnostic plots and standard tables summarizing input data. This vignette aims to be an introduction to the most commonly used functions.

The vignette is a worked through real world example of a functional biogeography workflow using the internal dataset provided in funbiogeo and derived from the WOODIV database (Monnet et al. 2021).

#> Linking to GEOS 3.12.1, GDAL 3.8.4, PROJ 9.4.0; sf_use_s2() is TRUE

Provided data

We are interested in mapping the functional traits of 24 Conifer tree species of Western European Mediterranean regions.

The functions in funbiogeo mostly leverage three different objects:

  • the species x traits data.frame, which describes the traits (in columns) of the species (in rows) (species_traits dataset in funbiogeo);
  • the site x species data.frame, which describes the presence/absence, the abundance, or the cover of species (in columns) across sites (in rows) (site_species dataset in funbiogeo);
  • the site x locations object, which describes the physical location of sites through an sf object (site_locations dataset in funbiogeo).

You can load the example data using the data(..., package = "funbiogeo") call:

data("woodiv_site_species", package = "funbiogeo")
data("woodiv_locations", package = "funbiogeo")
data("woodiv_traits", package = "funbiogeo")

In the following sections, we’ll describe in detail these three provided objects in the package.

Species x Traits

This object contains traits values for multiple traits (as columns) for studied species (as rows). It should be a data.frame. The first column should contain species names and the other columns contain trait values.

Note that we’ll be talking about species throughout this vignette and in the arguments of funbiogeo, but the package doesn’t make any assumption on the biological level. It can be individuals, populations, strains, species, genera, families, etc. The important fact is that you should have trait data for the level at which you want to work.

Let’s examine the species_traits data included in the package:

Format of species x traits dataset
species plant_height seed_mass sla wood_density
1 AALB 49.64162 67.86692 7.483978 0.4490821
3 ACEP 25.87500 64.70375 NA NA
4 ANEB 15.00000 NA 3.420603 NA
5 APIN 27.33333 55.52000 3.420603 0.4586508

The first column "species" contains species names, while the next four columns contain different traits for all species.

Let’s look at a summary of the trait dataset:

#>    species           plant_height      seed_mass            sla        
#>  Length:24          Min.   : 1.368   Min.   :  7.608   Min.   : 0.508  
#>  Class :character   1st Qu.: 8.776   1st Qu.: 14.926   1st Qu.: 3.421  
#>  Mode  :character   Median :16.908   Median : 30.188   Median : 4.365  
#>                     Mean   :18.779   Mean   : 62.245   Mean   : 4.773  
#>                     3rd Qu.:25.531   3rd Qu.: 57.558   3rd Qu.: 5.824  
#>                     Max.   :49.642   Max.   :626.189   Max.   :10.600  
#>                                      NA's   :1         NA's   :7       
#>   wood_density   
#>  Min.   :0.2796  
#>  1st Qu.:0.4500  
#>  Median :0.4642  
#>  Mean   :0.4948  
#>  3rd Qu.:0.5300  
#>  Max.   :0.6488  
#>  NA's   :7

Note that to use your own species by traits data.frame, it should follow a similar structure with the first column being named "species" and the other ones containing traits.

Site x Species

This object contains species occurrences/abundance/coverage at sites
of the study area. It is a data.frame. The first column, "site", contains site names, while the other columns contain the abundance of each species across sites.

Note that here we are talking about sites in an abstract way. These can be plots, assemblages, of whatever collections of species you’re interested in.

The package funbiogeo comes with the example dataset on Conifer tree species of Western European Mediterranean regions site_species. Let’s look at it:

Format of site x species dataset
41152325 1 0 0 0 0
40852325 1 0 0 0 0
40852345 1 0 0 0 0
42552105 1 0 0 0 0
41152315 1 0 0 0 0
37452365 1 0 0 0 0
36952225 1 0 0 0 0
37152185 1 0 0 0 0
39852335 1 0 0 0 0
39652375 1 0 0 0 0

The example dataset contains the occurrence of the 24 Conifer tree species across 5,366 sites (grid cells of 10 km x 10 km resolution).

Note that to use your own site by species data.frame, it should follow a similar structure with the first column being named "sites" and the other ones containing presence information of species across sites.

Site x Locations

This object contains the geographical location of the sites. It should be an sf object from the sf package. These are spatial R objects that describe geographical locations. The sites can have arbitrary shapes: points, regular polygons, irregular polygons, or even line transects! To make sure that your data is well plotted you should specify the Coordinate Reference System (CRS) of this object.

The package funbiogeo comes with the example dataset site_locations defining the location of the 5,366 sites (grid cells of 10 km x 10 km resolution) as polygons. It contains the names of the site in its first column "site":

#> Simple feature collection with 6 features and 2 fields
#> Geometry type: POLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: 2630000 ymin: 1750000 xmax: 2650000 ymax: 1970000
#> Projected CRS: ETRS89-extended / LAEA Europe
#>       site  country                       geometry
#> 1 26351755 Portugal POLYGON ((2630000 1750000, ...
#> 2 26351765 Portugal POLYGON ((2630000 1760000, ...
#> 4 26351955 Portugal POLYGON ((2630000 1950000, ...
#> 5 26351965 Portugal POLYGON ((2630000 1960000, ...
#> 6 26451755 Portugal POLYGON ((2640000 1750000, ...
#> 7 26451765 Portugal POLYGON ((2640000 1760000, ...

Note that to use your own site locations object, it should follow a similar structure, being an sf object with the first column being named "sites".

Visualizing the data (diagnostic plots)

funbiogeo provides many functions to display the data to help the user select specific traits, species, and/or sites. We are going to detail some of them in this section (see the full list and how to interpret them in the diagnostic plot vignette. We call them diagnostic plots because they help us to have an overview of our dataset prior to the analyses.

Trait completeness per species

A first way to visualize our data.frame is to look at the proportion of species with non-missing traits using the fb_plot_number_species_by_trait() function. It takes the species by trait data.frame as input.

This plot shows us the number of species (along the x-axis) in function of the trait name (along the y-axis). The number of concerned species is shown at the bottom of the plot while the corresponding proportion of species (compared to all the species included in the trait dataset) is indicated as a secondary x-axis at the top. The proportion of species concerned is shown at the right of each point. For example, in our example dataset, 70.8% species have a non-NA SLA.

The function also includes a way to provide a target proportion of species as the second argument. It will display the proportion as a dark red dashed line.

For example, if we want to visualize which traits cover more than 75% of the species:

fb_plot_number_species_by_trait(woodiv_traits, threshold_species_proportion = 0.75)

The top number shows the corresponding number of species.

Number of Traits per Species

Another way to filter the data would be to select certain species that have at least a certain number of traits. This can be visualized using the fb_plot_number_traits_by_species() function. Similarly to the above-mentioned function, it takes the species x traits data.frame as the first argument:

The plot shows the number (bottom x-axis) and the proportion (top x-axis) of species covered by a specific number of traits (0 to 4 in our example).

Filtering the data

Now that we displayed the diagnostic plots, we can decide thresholds and filter our data for our following analyses.

Filter trait by species coverage

We want to select the traits that are available for at least 75% of the species. To do so we can use the fb_filter_traits_by_species_coverage() function. The function takes the species by traits data.frame and outputs the same dataset but with the traits filtered (so with fewer columns). The second argument threshold_species_proportion is the threshold proportion of species covered:

# Initial dimension of the input data
#> [1] 24  5

# Filter traits 
red_sp_traits <- fb_filter_traits_by_species_coverage(
  woodiv_traits, threshold_species_proportion =  0.75

#> [1] 24  3

# The reduced data set now has fewer trait columns
#>   species plant_height seed_mass
#> 1    AALB     49.64162 67.866923
#> 3    ACEP     25.87500 64.703750
#> 4    ANEB     15.00000        NA
#> 5    APIN     27.33333 55.520000
#> 6    CLIB     35.63636 86.872600
#> 7    CSEM     24.69231  7.608125

The function outputs a filtered species-traits dataset retaining only traits covering at least 75% of the species. In the end this keep two traits: plant height and seed mass.

Filter species by trait coverage

Similarly you could filter species by their trait coverage. For example, we would like to make sure that the species we filtered previously so that they show at least one of the two traits selected above and thus exclude species for which neither of the traits are available. We can use the function fb_filter_species_by_trait_coverage() with the species x traits data.frame as the first argument and the second argument the proportion of traits covered by species.

# Filter species which have at least 80% of known traits
red_sp_traits_2 <- fb_filter_species_by_trait_coverage(
  red_sp_traits, threshold_traits_proportion = 0.8

#>   species plant_height seed_mass
#> 1    AALB    49.641622 67.866923
#> 3    ACEP    25.875000 64.703750
#> 5    APIN    27.333333 55.520000
#> 6    CLIB    35.636364 86.872600
#> 7    CSEM    24.692308  7.608125
#> 8    JCOM     6.894711 14.556875

#> [1] 23  3

We thus have selected 2 traits that cover at least 80% of the initial species list and 23 species which have known values for these two traits.

Filter sites by trait coverage

Now that we have filtered our traits and species of interest we need to filter the sites that contain enough species for which the traits are available. Similarly to above the function is fb_filter_sites_by_trait_coverage() it takes as first two arguments the site x species data.frame and the species x traits data.frame. The third argument is threshold_traits_proportion that indicates the percent coverage of traits to filter each site. Note that this coverage is weighted by the occurrence, abundance, or cover depending on the content of the site x species data.frame.

Let’s say here we’re interested in sites for which our species with available traits represent at least 90% of the species present:

# Initial site x species data
#> [1] 5366   25

# Filter sites with at least 90% species covered
filt_sites <- fb_filter_sites_by_trait_coverage(
  woodiv_site_species, red_sp_traits_2, threshold_traits_proportion = 0.9

# Filtered sites
#> [1] 5364   25

filt_sites[1:4, 1:4]
#>       site AALB ACEP APIN
#> 1 41152325    1    0    0
#> 2 40852325    1    0    0
#> 3 40852345    1    0    0
#> 4 42552105    1    0    0

The output of the function is a site x species data.frame with selected sites and species. Now we selected 5,364 sites out of 5,366, for our 2 traits and 24 species.

Computing Functional Diversity metrics

The funbiogeo functions helped us filter our data appropriately with enough available trait information for species and sites. The goal of funbiogeo is to help you analyzing functional trait data and computing functional diversity indices. These indices capture the diversity of trait values in a set of species, if you’re interested in an introduction to functional diversity indices and how to analyze them, it’s out of scope of this vignette, but you can refer to Mammola et al. (2021). The paper provides a general workflow to work with trait data.

funbiogeo doesn’t aim to substitute to all these amazing tools that compute a diversity of indices with different properties and formulas., however, we can use the filtered datasets to proceed with our analyses This is where you should use your preferred packages to compute functional diversity indices like mFD or funrar. If you’re new to the world of functional diversity analyses, we suggest reading mFD introductory vignette. It underlines the different steps to compute functional diversity metrics. If you’re interest in computing functional rarity indices with funrar you can also refer to its tutorial.

For the sake of the example, we included a function in funbiogeo to compute Community-Weighted Mean (CWM, Garnier et al. 2004) named fb_cwm(). The CWM is the abundance-weighted average trait per site. We’ll be using it in the following section we’ll then show another example computing functional diversity indices using the mFD package.

Community-Weighted Mean (CWM)

We’re interested to look at the spatial distribution of the average plant height and seed mass of Conifer tree species. To do so, we can compute the community-weighted mean of both traits. We’ll use the fb_cwm() function to do so, it takes the site x species data.frame and species x traits data.frame as arguments.

# Note that we're reusing our filtered data to compute CWM
cwm <- fb_cwm(filt_sites, red_sp_traits_2)

#>       site        trait      cwm
#> 1 26351755 plant_height 12.31767
#> 2 26351765 plant_height  4.88150
#> 3 26351955 plant_height 12.31767
#> 4 26351965 plant_height 13.77575
#> 5 26451755 plant_height  4.88150
#> 6 26451765 plant_height 15.76845

It outputs a data.frame with 3 columns: the first one, site, shows the site name as provided in the input site x species data.frame, trait which indicates the trait name on which the CWM is computed, and cwm which shows the value of the CWM.

Compute functional diversity indices

We can also integrate our filtered datasets in other functional diversity computation pipeline. We’ll show an example by computing functional richness with fundiversity.

## To install 'fundiversity' uncomment the following line
# install.packages("fundiversity")

# Functional richness in 'fundiversity' requires all the traits to be known
# so we need to filter the traits
filt_traits <- subset(
  red_sp_traits, ! & !

# We need to transform species and site names as row names for species-traits
# and site-species data.frames, as required by 'fundiversity'
rownames(filt_traits) <- filt_traits$species
filt_traits <- filt_traits[, -1]

rownames(filt_sites) <- filt_sites$site
filt_sites <- filt_sites[, -1]

# Scale traits
filt_traits <- scale(filt_traits)

# Compute Functional Richness
fric <- fundiversity::fd_fric(filt_traits, filt_sites)
#> Differing number of species between trait dataset and site-species matrix
#> Taking subset of species
#> Warning in fundiversity::fd_fric(filt_traits, filt_sites): Some sites had less
#> species than traits so returned FRic is 'NA'

#>       site     FRic
#> 1 41152325 1.387675
#> 2 40852325 1.465982
#> 3 40852345 1.485531
#> 4 42552105 1.067421
#> 5 41152315 1.465982
#> 6 37452365       NA

We now have a table with Functional Richness computed for all of our sites.

Putting variables on the map

Map of environmental raster

If we want to display the environment associated with our sites of interest, we can leverage environmental raster layers, like the mean annual temperature. Fortunately, we have access to an example raster of mean annual temperature through funbiogeo. The package provides a helper function display a raster layer easily (without any assumption about the projection) named fb_map_raster():

# Read raster
tavg <- system.file(
  "extdata", "annual_mean_temp.tif", package = "funbiogeo"
tavg <- terra::rast(tavg)

# Map raster
fb_map_raster(tavg) + 
  scale_fill_distiller("Temperature", palette = "Spectral") +
  labs(title = "Mean annual temperature in Europe") +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

All of the plots produced by funbiogeo are ggplot2 objects and can thus be customized using the ggplot2 syntax, to learn about it check the ggplot2 introductory vignette.

Leveraging the patchwork package, that allows to combine different ggplot2 objects, we can have side-by-side, the map of mean annual temperature and the one on annual total precipitation:


# Read raster ------------------------------------------------------------------
tavg <- system.file("extdata", "annual_mean_temp.tif", package = "funbiogeo")
tavg <- terra::rast(tavg)

prec <- system.file("extdata", "annual_tot_prec.tif", package = "funbiogeo")
prec <- terra::rast(prec)

# Individual Maps --------------------------------------------------------------
map_temperature <- fb_map_raster(tavg, legend.position = "none") + 
  scale_fill_distiller("Temperature", palette = "Spectral")

map_precipitation <- fb_map_raster(prec) + 
  scale_fill_distiller("Precipitation", direction = 1)

# Plot composition -------------------------------------------------------------

(map_temperature / map_precipitation) + 
  plot_annotation(title = "Europe", 
                  theme = theme(plot.title = element_text(face = "bold"))) & 
  theme_classic() &
  theme(text = element_text(family = "mono"))

This function allows the visualization of a raster in a simple fashion, but it doesn’t tell us anything about the environmental variable at the sites. In the next section we will follow the example of mapping an environmental variable.

Map of average environmental variable in site

To get the average environmental variable in the site we can use the fb_get_environment() function, it takes as arguments the site-locations object and an environmental raster from the terra package. By default, it takes the average of the raster values per site.

site_mat <- fb_get_environment(woodiv_locations, tavg)

#>       site annual_mean_temp
#> 1 26351755              NaN
#> 2 26351765         16.44746
#> 3 26351955         16.08605
#> 4 26351965              NaN
#> 5 26451755         16.66498
#> 6 26451765         16.39656

The variable names in the columns are based on the names of the provided raster. To put these values on the map we can use the fb_map_site_data() function, which allows mapping arbitrary site-level variables. It takes three needed arguments: the first of which, site_locations, which is the sf object describing sites’ geographic locations; the second argument is site_data, which is a data.frame giving additional data indexed by site; and selected_col, which is a character giving the name of the column to plot from the site_data argument.

We can thus plot the mean annual temperature of sites through the following commands:

fb_map_site_data(woodiv_locations, site_mat, "annual_mean_temp") +
  labs(title = "Mean Annual Temperature per Site")

Map of functional diversity indices

We can leverage the same functions to map our functional diversity indices. For example, with the body mass CWM:

body_mass_cwm <- subset(cwm, trait == "plant_height")

fb_map_site_data(woodiv_locations, body_mass_cwm, "cwm") +
  scale_fill_viridis_c(trans = "log10") +
  labs(title = "Tree height CWM")

We can do similarly for functional richness:

fb_map_site_data(woodiv_locations, fric, "FRic") +
  scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "magma") +
  labs(title = "Tree Functional Richness")


This concludes our tutorial to introduce funbiogeo. The package contains many more features, especially diagnostic plots, which are explained in detail in a dedicated vignette. There is also a specific vignette about transforming raw data from long to wide format. Finally, if you’re interested in learning about up-scaling your sites, which means aggregating your sites at coarser scales,you can refer to the specific vignette


Garnier, Eric, Jacques Cortez, Georges Billès, Marie-Laure Navas, Catherine Roumet, Max Debussche, Gérard Laurent, et al. 2004. “Plant Functional Markers Capture Ecosystem Properties During Secondary Succession.” Ecology 85 (9): 2630–37.
Mammola, Stefano, Carlos P. Carmona, Thomas Guillerme, and Pedro Cardoso. 2021. “Concepts and Applications in Functional Diversity.” Functional Ecology 35 (9): 1869–85.
Monnet, Anne-Christine, Kévin Cilleros, Frédéric Médail, Marwan Cheikh Albassatneh, Juan Arroyo, Gianluigi Bacchetta, Francesca Bagnoli, et al. 2021. WOODIV, a database of occurrences, functional traits, and phylogenetic data for all Euro-Mediterranean trees.” Scientific Data 8: 89.
Violle, Cyrille, Peter B. Reich, Stephen W. Pacala, Brian J. Enquist, and Jens Kattge. 2014. “The Emergence and Promise of Functional Biogeography.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (38): 13690–96.