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This function computes trait coverage for each site for different trait combinations. If not provided, consider all possible trait combinations. The function will not run if the total number of combinations given is over 10,000.


  comb_size = NULL



a data.frame with sites in rows and species in columns. NOTE: the first column should be named "site" and indicate site names. The other columns should be named according to species names.


a data.frame with species in rows and traits as columns. NOTE: The first column should be named "species" and contain species names. The other columns should be named according to trait names.


an integer vector defining one or more sizes of combinations (default: NULL)


a data.frame with the following columns:

  • site with the site indices from site_species,

  • combination_length with the number of traits in given combinations,

  • combination_name with the name of the trait combination (concatenated trait names with __),

  • trait_coverage the corresponding trait coverage for the given trait combination and site.


# Compute Coverages using All Trait Combinations
all_combinations = fb_get_trait_combination_coverage(
    woodiv_site_species, woodiv_traits

# Get only combinations of 3 traits
three_traits = fb_get_trait_combination_coverage(
    woodiv_site_species, woodiv_traits, 3

# Combinations of 2, 3, and 4 traits
two_to_four = fb_get_trait_combination_coverage(
    woodiv_site_species, woodiv_traits, 2:4