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Compute trait coverage for all sites, i.e., the percentage of total abundance/presence of species that have traits data compared to total species. This function assumes that all species provided in the traits dataset have all their traits specified (meaning that all species have either known or NA values reported as their traits). NB: this function returns trait coverage using all traits provided in the input species_traits data.frame.


fb_get_trait_coverage_by_site(site_species, species_traits)



a data.frame with sites in rows and species in columns. NOTE: the first column should be named "site" and indicate site names. The other columns should be named according to species names.


a data.frame with species in rows and traits as columns. NOTE: The first column should be named "species" and contain species names. The other columns should be named according to trait names.


A data.frame with n rows (where n is the number of sites) and two columns: site, the site label, and trait_coverage, the percent of total abundance/presence of species that have traits data.


site_trait_cov <- fb_get_trait_coverage_by_site(
    woodiv_site_species, woodiv_traits

#>       site trait_coverage
#> 1 41152325      1.0000000
#> 2 40852325      1.0000000
#> 3 40852345      0.8750000
#> 4 42552105      1.0000000
#> 5 41152315      0.8888889
#> 6 37452365      1.0000000